Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I am with my family in the big city this week for the Holiday and Oh Man! I just can't get enough of my nieces and nephews. I just want to hug them and squeeze them and cuddle them and read to them all day every day. Can't get enough. Love those babies.

As I was on my way here I was reading some Old Testament, refreshing my little heart, when I came across a verse in Isaiah that I thought played particularly well for my life this week.

Isaiah 33:2b- "Be our arm every morning...."

I said I just can't cuddle those babies enough.
And now I have a prayer for those arms wrapped around those rug rats. "Lord, be in my arms this morning. Lord, whatever you are: love, truth, tenderness, strength, security, pass from me to the babes...let all of you be in my arms this morning..."

Anyway, I know it's silly, praying that somehow the character of God could be passed through my arms to those kiddos getting all hugged in them.
But maybe not.

Maybe not.

So I pray it. I pray that he will be my arms.

It's a thought.


And here is another quick thought: I think we need to pray more. Yeah, yeah, I know.
But there were a few things this week that have just burdened me so very much, and what else am I to do with that burden? Take it to him.

Wolfies, if you have got a burden, you've got nowhere else to go with it. Go with it to him--and just be done with it. You are not supposed to do God's job.

Love you, kids. Have a happy Fourth (for those of you in the States. For those of you not in the States--Happy Day! : ) )

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