Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Impossibly Very Real.

Good morning, Wolfies!!
All my Fam-Fam is gathered together for the holiday week, so we seem to be doing a lot of lollygagging and eating and having company and eating and talking and laughing and discussing and eating.

We have a good time.

This is our serious picture.

You know, for whatever reason, ever since I got home I have had this urge to pray. About all different kinds of things.

But mainly, I want to pray impossible things.

Maybe just being there in the “Holy Land” where all that crazy nuts stuff happened, and realizing that it wasn’t actually crazy nuts stuff; it was all really real life with really real heat and really real people who probably didn’t like some foods and had really dirty feet and grody clothes (because I had dirty feet and grody clothes)—all that crazy nuts stuff happened in THAT environment.
I mean, there were no goosebumps of "being in some special place."
All those stories in the Bible aren’t esoteric or mysterious or voodoo-esque or tantalizing.
It was crazy nuts stuff that happened to real people in real cities.
And I think, “But….but…I am a real person in a real city. I want to see all kinds of crazy nuts stuff.”

In the Holy Land you see that God is “smaller”—meaning more real—than you ever thought. Yet at the same time he is so much bigger than anything I have ever imagined.

God does crazy nuts stuff in the very real lives of very real people. He truly does the impossible.
That which I can’t do.
That which I can’t manipulate.
That which I don’t have power to make happen.
A thought came to my mind the other day: “Yeah, that is impossible; that is, if the person who is trying to accomplish it doesn’t have the power to move mountains. But he does.”

He can move impossible mountains.

And I want to pray that through to my life.
I want to give him free rein to do it his way.
Because his way is cooler.
And miraculous.
And supernatural.
And impossible.
But very real.

Pray impossible things, babies. You are not asking for too much.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh just wow(: I really miss you Bethany! Your asking "Why?" to everything has actually really helped me a lot since I've been home. And your note- when you told me to choose the path that required me to trust God more...I can't begin to tell you how much that has impacted me and how I have been able to use that little piece of advice to encourage others. You truly are a blessing to me,and I am so grateful to be able to read your blog! I am praying for you lots!!! <3 ~Sydney
