Thank you so much, Wolfies. I love you. I love you for reading. I love callling you "Wolfies." This has been such an incredible little journey so far for me; I hope you, too, have enjoyed yourself. But more importantly, my prayer is that you have fallen more in love with Jesus, the one who pursues you. The one who wants to have an "intimate communion" (Tozer) with you. He is the hope. He is the answer.
With all that to be said, I have something to tell you:
I didn't bring boots on this trip.
I know, I know. You are probably as shocked by me as I am disgusted by me. As you should be.
What in the world overtook my mind? Gone for months and brought no boots? Who do I think I am? I have at least two pairs in my car at all times because, as I have said before, you never know where you might have to walk!
Wearing boots while making the Swag and Buckle. |
Wearing boots in a Bed and Breakfast. |
Wearing boots while traipsing through fields. |
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Wearing boots while hopping fences. |
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Wearing boots with a friend in the woods. |
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Wearing boots in the snow. |
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Wearing boots with my sister-in-law in a hotel. |
I guess I just figured it was the wrong season for boots. It’s supposed to be summer, for crying out loud! Where I live summer=heat and heat does not = boots.
News flash, Bethany. Summer looks different in some parts of the world. Summer= cold, and I know better than anyone that cold should =boots.
I went looking to buy boots and a coat out here, and would you believe it that I could find none? Forget the fact that it’s July. These people live in virtually the Tundra. Shouldn’t there be a section in all clothing stores out here with a sign that reads, “For the Inappropriately Packed Visitor”? Well I think so. My motto in life has been for years (since I fell in love with fur coats), “There is no bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.”
Well maybe I have had a change of mind: there is such a thing as bad weather IF you are unprepared and let’s put this summer under the category of “Being Unprepared.” And we all know that goes against the Bible.
I never cease to be amazed at how God blindsides me. There I am, walking about my daily life, in my cute little blue suede pumps, when all of the sudden something happens and I get knocked off my feet.
Not literally of course.That would be embarrassing.
But emotionally.
Like out of nowhere I find myself talking to someone and before I can say “Bob’s-your-uncle” we are trudging through some deep forests of issues. Issues that are muddy and slimy and full of rocks and holes and things you can break your ankle on. And things that I should have boots on for. Things I need to be alert for, prepared if you will. Not blue suede pumps! I couldn’t survive a night in the forest in those shoes!
Is it any wonder then that Paul says to Timothy, “Be prepared in season and out of season. Correct, rebuke, and encourage- with great patience and careful instruction” (II Timothy 4:2)??? NO! See, Paul knew that life has a way of creeping up on you, that ministry opportunities run to those who have answers, that God throws things and people your way weather you are looking for them or not. Whether you have the right spiritual shoes on your feet or not.
I came unprepared because I thought I was out-of-season.
I will never make that mistake again.
Little did I know that boots are never out of season. Issues and people to minister to are around all the time. People have need all the time. God calls us to climb life’s mountains with people all the time. Jesus is the answer all the time even if you didn’t expect this to be the time!
“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (I Peter 3:15).
Being prepared is a lifestyle choice and I failed to make the right choice.
Fortunately, and God has proven this to me over and over again, He is the Great Packer. His spirit, his grace, is enough. He has brought with him what I didn’t expect to need. He has given me the words he promises to give (Matthew 10:19-20).
There is no condemnation for those who are walking with Christ, even if you feel you failed someone because you were unprepared. And beautiful are their feet, whether shod with boots or blue suede pumps, if they are bringing the gospel.But be prepared, kids. God has called us to that. If you are in Christ, you have answers that they need to hear. That some of them will want to hear. Are there lighter days of ministry? Sure. Can blue suede pumps, and the bringing of the gospel in soft, beautiful ways, be appropriate? At times. But always be ready and willing to trudge through life’s thickets with someone. We are the body of Christ. Have your spiritual closets outfitted; whether you think you are in season or not.
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