Not only does Edie, its curator, seem to really love Jesus,
she also seems to be
Funny, andB. Have really great style.
Both of which are qualities I find particularly endearing.
I think the first post of hers that snagged me was one
entitled “Why I am not a feminist,” which—is just the type of thing that I
love. And secondly, the style of her house snagged me. Pretty much because
every single thing in her home I look at and go, “Yep, that’s just like my
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PhotoCred: LifeinGrace blog |
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PhotoCred: LifeinGrace blog |
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PhotoCred: LifeinGrace blog |
Over the top and slightly mismatched and bold and going in a
million directions and totally to the nines. They say houses are visual
representations of their owners…and I could not agree more. But that is an
entirely different story. Of which I could talk to you about for forever.
Ok, I think that was a bunny-trail.
What I am getting at was one day I saw this picture on her blog.
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PhotoCred: LifeinGrace blog. |
And knew we were soul sisters.
Because this is what a little vignette in my bedroom looks
Over the top, I told you.
But don’t be alarmed, every single thing in this picture was either gifted to me, thrifted by me, or made…also by me. You don’t need to go crazy to go crazy, you know?!!? Ha.
Bunny trail…again.
When I saw that picture of her mantle, I fell absolutely in
love with that “Hold your Horses” sign of hers.
Because in this season of my life, I definitely feel like if
I had horses I would be holding them
right now.
And holding them some more.And learning the fine art of patience.
And learning it again because apparently I haven’t learned it yet.
Still not yet.
Still holding the hypothetical horses.
You understand.
What am I to do then?
Paint a “Hold Your Horses” sign.Obviously.
And hang it right next to my bed so that I see it in the
morning…and at night….and in the reflection of my mirror opposite it when I am
getting ready for the day…and every time I walk into my closet.
I thought about putting in very small print below the
phrase, “Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,” but I didn’t. Because I
know it’s implied.
Seriously, though. It’s becoming my mantra. That and “Expect a Miracle.” Which I have permanent- markered onto my dressing table mirror in big scrolling handwriting.
Seriously, though. It’s becoming my mantra. That and “Expect a Miracle.” Which I have permanent- markered onto my dressing table mirror in big scrolling handwriting.
Sometimes I just needed to be reminded, you know? Even if “sometimes”
happens to be every day.
Since the date is the 4th, today I read 4s. Psalm
4. Proverbs 4. Luke 4.
How awesome then, on a day when I needed to hear it, I was presented with it.
Luke 4 is the passage where Jesus goes out into the wilderness for 40 days, fasts, and then is tempted by the devil. Really, his temptations follow the pattern of I John 2:15-17, especially verse 16.
“For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of the eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world.”
How awesome then, on a day when I needed to hear it, I was presented with it.
Luke 4 is the passage where Jesus goes out into the wilderness for 40 days, fasts, and then is tempted by the devil. Really, his temptations follow the pattern of I John 2:15-17, especially verse 16.
“For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of the eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world.”
Doesn’t that just blow your mind?
Whatever temptation you are facing, not only is there a way out (I Cor. 10:13), but Jesus has been tempted in that way, too, and therefore knowingly goes before the Father on our behalf.
Whatever temptation you are facing, not only is there a way out (I Cor. 10:13), but Jesus has been tempted in that way, too, and therefore knowingly goes before the Father on our behalf.
Thank you, Jesus.
(Luke 4:5-8) “The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, ‘I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours.’ Jesus answered, ‘It is written: “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.”’”
Right off the bat I noticed a couple things.
How interesting that the devil says he can give
splendor and authority to anyone he wants. It puts a new light on the concept
of “celebrity,” doesn’t it? But that’s another topic for another time.
The word “instant” is used. And I live in an “instant
gratification” culture. I know all about this. I have electricity, I have
immediate hot water, I have immediate air conditioning, I have a microwave, I
have a high powered hair-straightener, I have high-speed internet, I have a
digital camera. We understand life being instant. I can get in a tiff when
things are not. Yet, in that time and place, there wasn’t so much that was
instant. BUT, and this is crucial, the temptation was still there for Jesus.
AND, that was the only thing that was
tempting. Why do I say that? Because look at what the devil is offering: Splendor
and authority. Yeah, those seem like they would be greatly tempting, but, did
it ever occur to you that Jesus had already been promised all of that? As in,
all authority was going to be his anyway, and splendor to boot (like when he
comes again—II Thess. 2:8). Matthew 7:29 it says that he taught “as one who had
authority,” and later in 28: 18 of Matthew Jesus says of himself, “All
authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me…”
So, authority was already going to be his. And splendor,
too. The key word phrase there, however, is, “was…going to be.” And the devil
knew this.
Which is why he came at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry: he was going to offer those things EARLY.
Which is why he came at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry: he was going to offer those things EARLY.
He was playing on the human desire for instant
gratification. For things to come RIGHT NOW.
Oh my. That’s totally my temptation: To be early. To try to
make things happen sooner rather than later. Like, remember how I want what I want when I want it and I wanted it yesterday? Yeah.
Do you ever find it interesting, though, that Jesus says
over and over to people he had healed that they shouldn’t tell anyone because “his
time had not yet come”? Jesus knew intrinsically something about timing that I
am still trying to figure out, or what I am having to tell myself over and over
He, the creator of the universe, was very aware that there
is a season for everything (Ecc. 3:1). A time for everything. He makes
everything beautiful “IN ITS TIME” (Ecc 3:11).
And Jesus’ time was coming. He knew this. That’s why he
could stand against all those schemes and temptations of the devil. Because, IN
ITS TIME, all that authority and splendor would be his anyway. He didn’t need
to jump the gun, he didn’t need to rush ahead and take a hold of what was
rightfully his (for crying out loud!), he didn’t need to get ahead of the Father.
Because in the very depth of his being, he knew that in his
economy those who wait on the Lord get renewed strength, and those who seek his
kingdom first get everything added to them, and those who are not anxious,
fretting about when their ship will arrive, they are the ones who also
get everything added to them.
In his world, those who wait, are blessed (Isaiah 30:18).
He was being my example.
He was being my gospel.
He was being my truth.
He was being my example.
He was being my gospel.
He was being my truth.
God’s timing is perfect. It is never late, I am just usually
So today I learn to hold my horses. Why? Because
Jesus did.
I TOO am in withdrawal since Alyssa from Resolved to Worship called it quits!:( Does anyone have any idea if there is a way to contact her? If nothing else I wish she could know how much she is MISSED!
ReplyDeleteThere should be a club - I too am still in withdrawal from Alyssa. There was something I truly wanted to message her about, but never did because I knew how busy she was... Someone gave me her instagram, but she has it as private - one can only understand. I miss her and am glad I pathetically saved her love story to read once and a while. I miss her blogs completely, especially when thinking about starting a family.
ReplyDeleteI miss Alyssa and her family too! She was so inspirational. I think of them all the time and would love to hear how they are doing and see pics of their kids. They must be growing! If you ever hear of a way to connect with her, let me know!
ReplyDeleteI am with you. Alyssa Welch is an amazing lady! Godly and beautiful. I love her blog and her photos. From time to time I Google her. Just today I found a tumbler account with old posts. It was nice to see it but I would live an update on her life and kids. She also blogs once a month on her kids clothing line that she sells. It doesn't show her personal life though. By the way she didn't end her blog the host server Zang shut down so therefore her blog was affected. Alyssa, if you are reading this (which I doubt you are since your life is so full) please let us know how things are. We miss you!
ReplyDeleteI am with you. Alyssa Welch is an amazing lady! Godly and beautiful. I love her blog and her photos. From time to time I Google her. Just today I found a tumbler account with old posts. It was nice to see it but I would live an update on her life and kids. She also blogs once a month on her kids clothing line that she sells. It doesn't show her personal life though. By the way she didn't end her blog the host server Zang shut down so therefore her blog was affected. Alyssa, if you are reading this (which I doubt you are since your life is so full) please let us know how things are. We miss you!
ReplyDeleteGoggle Hanna and Kate blog. It is a kids clothing line. You will see her girls in some of the photos. Current.
ReplyDeleteGoggle Hanna and Kate blog. It is a kids clothing line. You will see her girls in some of the photos. Current.