Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Golden Calves II {A Journal Entry}

After I wrote that last post about idolatry (Golden Calves) I have been thinking more about the process of idolatry that we Christians have a tendency to fall into.
That being the case, here is a little journal entry of mine that I wrote the other morning.


Golden Calves II {A Journal Entry}

The problem with idols is that they tarnish.

Holding something or someone up as an idol, in light of who You are and your grandeur, somewhat disgusts me. I don’t ever want to do that again, Lord. The act of worshipping an idol isn’t what bothers me so much (for we are creatures designed to worship and worship we do), it’s the simplicity, the non-omnipotence, the non-God-ness, the breakable-ness of the object being worshipped that bothers me.

Doesn’t idolatry really show a great deal how terrible judges of character and worth and value WE are? We are so easily duped; we pick the most ridiculous things to worship. Our thinking and vision are so futile and nothing shows this so greatly as idolatry. Because the things we worship aren’t good things; we have better choices.

Ok, so if I terribly choose objects to worship (all of my idols- my choice of them is pitiful), can I not say that that’s why I value other terrible things, too? For isn’t it all really connected? What we worship will be what we value. For example, I value how things LOOK, I value what my bank account looks like, I value fame and notoriety, I fall into the trap of name-dropping as if that can somehow bump up my reputation, I value the opinion others have of me, all the while believing that these things have some semblance of worth. I will assume that these things, too, are valued because we are terrible choosers of worth. Those things are unimportant. But we choose them. So are our gods, but we choose them

I can see me, in some jewelry store, with God behind the counter. And in front of me, for me to choose from, are the crown jewels of England and something He picked up at a discount store. Something that will turn my neck and fingers green within a matter of days. Which one do you think I am going to choose?

Clearly, the Wal-Mart brand.
Because I am a terrible judge of worth.
We all are.

Idols tarnish—but we choose them.
Because we are idiots. I am an idiot.

Those things, in and of themselves (apart from how we might redeem them and use them for the Kingdom[money, appearance, fame, etc]), have no meaning for anything!

Let’s put it this way, Wolfies. When it comes to gods, we don’t choose the crown jewels (i.e. God), we choose the Wal-Mart brand. And I don’t care how theologically sound you think you are, we pick the wrong thing to worship. We do.

Therefore, once again, I am convinced that I am a terrible judge of character.

Fortunately, though, there is help and HOPE (because with the real God, the one who doesn’t tarnish, there always is!).

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should as God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
*Jesus, your blood is the great Blinder. It makes it possible for God to look at me and not find fault (where, as I have just described in depth, I have many available to find).

What a blessing.

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