Yesterday morning I felt like the Ice Queen.
No, not a figure skater.
The Ice Queen, as opposed to how I usually feel as The Wolf
Queen (as some are known to call me).
Whatever the situation was, I woke up feeling a little, “Meh.”
Hard in the heart, if you will.It also looked like this outside of my house, which is beautiful, and I did think it was quite interesting that “my kingdom” and I had something in common that morning: Ice. Ha.
As the day went on it got better. Better because I was
proactive about it.
Let’s be honest, nobody wants to be around an Ice Queen. She
is hard, cold, and above all, not very moveable. Blah. Those are not good
qualities. So how does one said Wolf Queen get herself out of this frozen state,
supposing that it is just a bad day and not something more serious?
I think the obvious answers go without saying, but I will
say them here:
1 & 2. Read your Bible and pray, ice-cold Wolfies. Why?
Because it helps us remind ourselves that, get this—the thought is revolutionary—life
is not about us.
Ah yes. What I seem to forget from time to time.
There also could be a very strong spiritual battle going on.
The devil might really be attacking you with Despair, and we need to stop him
in his tracks on that one. You are no longer territory he has any right to
3. Something else I have found to be true about me is that I
am better if I am making something. I tend to lean towards the creative side of
life, so give me some fabric and give me some buttons and, inevitably, seeing
that there IS still beauty in the world is a huge mood-improver. What things about life make you recognize good? Do that.
4. Go on a walk. Or a run. Or a bike ride. Or do something,
and pray while doing it! On numerous occasions have I gone exercising with people
and we just pray together the whole time. Rather than get together to complain,
get together to praise. It’s a part of the Body-life we need to do more of, I
am convinced. And do not downplay the fact that your emotions and your body and your mind are all connected. Make the whole of you healthy. Bring Jesus into ALL of it.
5. Go get involved in a ministry. Help somebody. I volunteer
with the youth group at my church and…well…I think middle schoolers are like
the greatest thing on the earth. There is nothing like seeing 4 teenagers race
to see who can drink a smoothie of Thanksgiving leftovers the fastest (Yes, ‘tis
true. Mashed Potatoes, Cranberries, Green Bean casserole, and pasta salad all
blended together---with ice and milk. It happened. And it was hilarious) to
make you laugh. And laughter is medicine for the soul--it's in the Bible. It's also in the Bible to serve others. Let's take this stuff seriously.
6. Practice thankfulness. I just moved earlier this year and
haven’t been here much since I did move, so it is finally as if I have JUST
moved, because I am finally now here full-time. And I hate moving. I hate going
somewhere where you know no one and have to start over. I have done that enough
in my life and don’t find it fun anymore. All that to say is lately I have felt
a little—dare I say it—lonely. I have bucket loads of friends but almost none
of them live where I live now, though. But distance and circumstances are not
something we should let get us totally down. Thank the Lord for the people you
DO have, whether near or far! Thank the Lord for whatever you do have, and I’m
going to be bold and say this: thank the Lord for what you don’t have.
Psalm 84:11 says “No good thing does he withhold from those
whose walk is blameless.” What that means then is, if you can be counted in the
blameless category (i.e. saved by Christ, repenting of sin, RUNNING from sin, following
Christ, etc) then you not having something is not a bad thing: It’s a good
thing. Because if it is not what God wants you to have, and you have it, that’s
bad-news-bears. Not good. Not good.
Remember, you not having something, if God has withheld it,
is a good thing. Don’t ever forget how wrong we can be about these things we
think we want (For more on this thought read Never Be Convinced Of Your Own Desires).
There’s that, kids.
Let us be Ice Queens no more (or Ice Kings, too, I suppose:).
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