Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hello there.

It’s been too long, if you ask me.

I am working on this big project for an expo this weekend and in my trying to avoid an onslaught of panic I have just been working like mad, doing little else.
Clearly, blogging is included in the list of things I am not doing.
Roses....don't just happen, let's say that.

At the same time, I have like 5 or 6 things I want to tell you. Ideas that I am not sure where they came from.
Well, I am sure they came from Jesus. But just out of nowhere. No warning. They are all still mulling in my brain. One of them is so random and obscure even that I don’t even know if I want to confess that I think things like this and gladly walk down these bunny trails.
I’ll pray about it.

First things first, though. I need you all to do me a big favor. Can you pray for a 13 year old boy I know named Michael? He was skiing in Canada this week and suffered a terrible accident. Currently he has come out of his coma, but he doesn’t seem to know who any of his family is, and he seems to be in a lot of pain. Or that’s what they are surmising is the reason for why he screams from time to time.
Just please pray for Michael. And his family. My heart hurts for them; I cannot imagine.

Thank you.

After I just told you that I feel it wrong to say anything else.
So I won’t, apart from this:

The sun has come out again. Praise the Lord, aka Hallelujah.

This is a beautiful picture because it is pink and blue, not gray :)
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, let the name of the Lord be praised. Psalm 113:3

Does he who implanted the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see? Psalm 94:9

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