Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cabin Fever.

Cabin Fever has set in. Most days are grey here. Most days are snowy or sleety or else sunny but bitterly cold. I keep telling myself that if it was nice outside I would have a better mood, because then I could go biking, or be in my garden, or do something outside. But I can’t now, which lately has left me in a mood greyer than the weather.

And I don’t know about you, but grey moods and cabin fever leave me feeling a little defeated. Just like “blah” all over. I don’t want to leave the house, I don’t want to drive on the roads if they are bad, I can’t stand the thought of sitting in a coffee shop—actually, I can’t stand the thought of sitting anywhere without DOING something.

In kind of a kidding tone I prayed the other day, “Lord, I really hope my desire to socialize with people kicks in again sometime.”
But seriously, a little bit.

So the grey weather and Cabin Fever are contributing factors to the blahs, I am telling myself, and I am also giving some credit to the books I have been reading: really heavy classics. Les Miserables, The Great Gatsby, East of Eden, A Severe Mercy.

Yikes. They make me weep or get really angry. That being the case I decided to read Winnie the Pooh for the rest of the winter.
How adorable.
Between A.A. Milne and P.G. Wodehouse, these British writers give a whole slew of wit and brilliance. I hope that will improve the mood.

Cabin Fever also has the tendency to make me feel quite defeated. And there is nothing like defeat to create a lazy spirit; which has followed me around as of late.
Yesterday, however, I did get quite the conviction about it.

Proverbs 6:10-11 A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest—and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man.

Think of how you would feel if there was a thief in your house. The first things that came to mind are "Out of breath; horrified; hands tied behind my back; helpless; frantic;" to name a few. And isn't that just the way of the devil? To put us into bondage because of our sin?? Praise the Lord that He is the great Deliverer from bondage. And sometimes he delivers by no other way than by conviction; by him saying, "Yeah, let's stop that behavior, shall we?"
What a God.

To answer an obvious question: No, I am not what most would call lazy, but I will admit that I may have spent a lot of time contemplating how to get results without putting any effort in. How ridiculous. It doesn’t work. My word of advice about that?
“Sorry, Charlie. Not going to happen. It's simply not Biblical."

With that new conviction and a revived fear of the “bandit” I went and created this yesterday.
Tell all your engaged friends :)

Success. Take that, lazy cabin fever.

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