Monday, August 12, 2013

Eyeball Stamping ~ a guest post from a wolfie

Our B is still traveling. And so once again, this is a guest post from a wolfie. With another cute picture of us.

It was a quiet weekend. Actually – it was a quiet week. Real quiet.

Wolf Queen B is off in the land of text-less-ness for a time. My other daily texter is at an intense music ministry camp…my older sister and her fam on vacation in Colorado.

Yes. It’s been quiet.

Except of course for my three clocks, all doing their little tick-tock thing around me. This would drive my little sister T crazy. But I kind of love it.

Speaking of Little T - she moves to her own apartment in a new city in just a couple of days.  Being the expert at living alone now (9 days strong) – I gave her a few bits of advice. Probably the most helpful bit was about baking cookies. When one is living alone – only bake the number of cookies you should eat in one sitting. I sorely wish someone had given me such advice; I’m just so grateful I didn’t bake the entire package at once.

Today at work, a resident was sharing the new stage of life she’s been adjusting to for the first time in her life, with her husband of 50+ years passing away. You guessed it: living alone. And so she and I find ourselves, strangely…in almost the same exact boat. Living on our own for the first times in our lives.
That kind of blows my mind.

And yet the bit that was the hardest slap in the face today was how temporarily I’ve considered this chapter of my life. The living alone part, that is. And in all honesty, it probably is temporary to some extent. Maybe I’ll live by myself for the next many a-year, but I kind of doubt it. If and when the time comes for a vow of “till death do us part,” however, that doesn’t guarantee the living alone chapter is forever closed. I'm not trying to sound insensitive here at all. But...people die.

I’ll never forget when the genealogy in Genesis 5 suddenly made more sense to me. “You shall surely die” (Gen. 2:17b) was being fulfilled. “…Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died.” (Gen. 5:5) Yessirree. Adam? Died. Seth? Died. And he died…and he died…and he died…

But that’s not the end of the story.

Jesus has overcome. And the grave is overwhelmed. The victory is won.
He is risen from the dead.
(I Will Rise – Chris Tomlin)

“Death is swallowed up in victory.
O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?” (I Cor. 15:54b-55)

One of my favorite Jonathan Edwards quotes I’ve had hanging up in my bedroom for years says “Oh God, stamp eternity on my eyeballs!” This past week I was reflecting on that yet again…when a sense of peace came over me with an assurance of, “I am.”

Our everyday mission at work is being a part of “inspiring seniors to celebrate life.” Yet once again, I am the one inspired. To celebrate Life. Thank you, Lord, for stamping my eyeballs once again with eternity.

~ a wolfie

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