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Keepin' it real.... |
Hubbs and I are off to see some great friends a few states away (but closer from here than the homeland!), so we are eagerly anticipating some Jesus-loving conversation and fun, copious amounts of great coffee, some down time (for him), and (for me), driving X number of hours there and back!!!!!!!!
I realize maybe all of those exclamation points might seem like overkill. But, indeed, they are not.
Why, you might ask, are they not overkill?
Because Hubbs has told me for a LONG time that the only time I will ever drive in my entire life when he is in the car is if he is incapacitated beyond safety and consciousness.
Now, Hubbs is neither of those things this weekend.
BUT!!!! He has a boatload of work to get done and, THEREFORE, he is recanting----probably just this once----on his previous boast and I, yes, ME, I am going to drive there AND BACK.
What a momentous weekend, indeed!!
It's the little things, babes.
The last couple of mornings I have been reading in I Timothy and it is all about being people of sound doctrine, not shipwrecking your faith, etc etc etc.
And it has just been weighing heavy on my heart these days especially today, what with the coming out of....................that.....................movie. If I grant it show much grace as to call it that, rather than what it really is.
A pornographic film.
It seriously hurts my heart. It reminds me so much of Romans 1 where, to add an emphasis, Paul says about the depraved people, "Even THEIR WOMEN exchanged natural relations....." (Romans 1:26). Women, generally, are more spiritually intuitive than men, so when a culture's women "exchange the truth of God for a lie" (Romans 1:25) (---which is exactly what this is; it's all the lies that will kill you wrapped up in a little leather and chains package----), then we really have reached the bottom.
On our way to hell in a handbasket.
Please. I plead with you. Whatever you do, don't watch this movie. And for heaven's sake don't read the books.
You cannot unsee what has been seen.
Albert Mohler says it way better than I can. Please read this. And please, please, please please please please please, don't shipwreck your faith by seeing Shades...
Wolfies, I love you so. That's why I say this. Whatever you do.....don't.
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