Well kids, I decided to do it.
There was a Dog the Bounty Hunter marathon on TV the other day and I was snowed in.
I could have decided to watch all of it.
But that’s not what I decided to do.
I didn’t watch nearly all of it.
No. What I decided to do was give some thoughts on the C.S. Lewis classic, The Screwtape Letters.
If you haven’t yet read it, this is your time. It might affect your life.
I haven’t decided if I will go chapter by chapter, or just if something stops me in the progressing chapters to let you know about it.
We shall see.
For those of you who are not familiar with the book, a quick synopsis is that this fictional collection of letters centers around an aged demon writing to his nephew, a fiend in training, telling him how to trip up his “patient” who happens to be a new Christian in WWII Europe. The subject matter centers mainly around daily things, but it is in those, we find, where we are most susceptible to the work of the enemy.
I hope you read this book.
Unlike this year, where my only New Year’s Resolution was to become brilliant, last year I told myself I would read all of the “dead guys.”
Apparently all of the dead guys only means four books by C.S. Lewis (for surely there can’t be more that I didn’t get around to reading, meaning that I didn’t complete my New Year’s Resolution!! Silly, you!), of which, ours truly, the Screwtape Letters was my favorite.
Let me also say that while this year I have decided to be brilliant, I make no claim that what I am going to say about this “dead guy” book will be brilliant.
The end.
To my introduction.
Moving along.
Or maybe I should stop.
Go read the first chapter of the Screwtape Letters.
But one note as you go. In my introduction to the book there is a letter by Clive Staples himself that says, “Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar. Not everything that Screwtape says should be assumed to be true even from his own angle.”
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it: Even the devil’s lies might be lies.
More tomorrow.
Oh, and one last, completely unrelated thing (unless C.S. Lewis reminds you of coffee…which, for me is a slight tilt of the head and a kind of bobbing which universally means “yes”). My brother and sister in law were in town for the weekend, and of course that means lots of coffee.
I just want to show you the size disparity between his cup, and mine.
And yes. Mine is the little one.
And yes. It is a creamer.
But I love it.
Because sometimes it is just downright fun to drink out of a spigot.
On a coffee creamer, NOT on a kitchen sink.
I don’t really believe in that kind of spigot/spout drinking.
Maybe this is a slight exaggerated pose.
Then again...
The most normal looking this situation can look.
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